Cards in the city.

  • Video By: HexDSL
  • Game: Card City Nights
  • Publisher: Ludosity
  • Release Date: 12 May, 2015
  • Published to YouTube: 14 Feb, 2014

The Good

No wallet milking

This game has no micro transaction, DLC packs or pay to unlock aspects!

Knows what it is

This game knows what it is, its not trying to reach for the stars, its a solid card game with some unique gameplay.

Cute Art

Hand drawn art. Looks like a very personal project. I really like it even though its simple its really makes the game easy to follow, some of the characters are actually really entertaining.

Tie-in to a larger universe

This game ties into the larger universe that Ludosity have created with characters pulled in from their other games. The Ittle Dew referances are probably the easiest to spot.

The Bad

No Multiplayer.

This is a single game, I would love to play a multi-player game of this card adventure. in fact, ill print some out if they make the cards available, that would be actually pretty great.

Art style

The art style is something I really like but I could see how it would put some people off. The simplicity could make you underestimate the depth of the mechanics.

Ties into games I have never heard of

Actually, the game ties into things most people would not have heard of. unfortunately it lacks the instant recognisability of Blizzard characters in Hearthstone but still, if you don't get it you can feel a bit left out.


I think my video on this game pretty much sums up my whole feelings on this. I like the mechanics of the game a lot and i think there is a lot of enjoyment to have but it lacks the polish that a larger development team would bring to the table. That said, who cares, It's a solid Linux game and there is a lot of fun to be had.

System specs

  • OS: Arch Linux (all updates done before video recording)
  • DE: GNOME 3.16
  • CPU: I5 3330
  • RAM: 12GB
  • GFX: NVIDIA 750ti 2GB (NVIDIA Drivers)

Get me on...

And, yes we are interested in collaborations.

Final Published Video